
yo! ganesh!

hi again...

well, i don't have the discipline to to anything consistently...why should blogging be any different?

UC Berkeley's application is due on the 14th.  i HATE writing artist statements.  it all ends of sounding like too much sugary icing on cake.  but i don't have the cojones to write it all raw.  i need to stop censoring myself: i'm not my mother, after all.

in other developments, i seem to have slowed down the post-move binge-purge cycle.  i think a lot of it had to do with all the hiking and Bikram (tm) yoga i was doing.  now that my hamstring is re-injured, i'll have to find another outlet...like...painting, perhaps?

i'm so mad at myself for not having a new piece to flesh out my portfolio.  four months i had to get something done!  it's close to completion, but not 10-days-close.  or is it?  if i can sweat it out for 90 minutes in a 110-degree sauna doing deep backbends and balancing in vrksasana, i can probably do anything.  in fact, i know i can.

i am my own worst enemy; and my biggest obstacle.  i need a giant elephant-headed deity to "kick the living shit outta me."