
deep thoughts by melanie tormos

all life has meaning.

life IS meaning.

all life is sacred, beautiful, important.

no one has the authority to judge whether or not another life is more or less sacred, beautiful or important.

my life is sacred, beautiful, important.

your life is sacred, beautiful, important.

love and death/rebirth intersect at the crux of all time/space.

"who's gonna watch you when you die?"

what is more important at the end of life:
what you have or who you love?

we all feel so alone most of the time: suffering, trying to survive, longing for love acceptance and validation.  all the love the world needs can be generated within each and every one of us.

forgiveness is freedom.

we are all called in this life to do something.

it doesn't have to be complicated.

feeding one who is hungry
comforting one who is sick

if we can do this thing we are called to do
then our own hunger will be fulfilled.

and everyone wins.

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