

i was hiking in the mud today with Satchel and thought about a painting i'd like to do: a tribute to my grandma, Virginia Tormos, who passed way a year ago today.  time goes by so quickly.  i still remember being in the first grade and thinking that all of the fifth graders looked enormous and intimidating; i couldn't wait to grow up.  these days i'd like to just slow everything down a bit.

the painting, For Virginia, is going to be mixed media.  lots of reds.  a nod to Puerto Rico, New York, cats and hats. 

(she loved to wear hats.)

why won't i let myself paint?  i caught myself watering my plants, making tea, adding gadgets to iGoogle, chopping vegetables...all instead of painting.  i think my inner child might be rebelling against productivity.  maybe a bribe will work...

i think this is the first January when i haven't gone all gung-ho on the New Year's goal-setting-life-revolutionizing-thing.  i'm in the middle of a lot of projects, and i plan to let things unfold.  i'm teaching two--possibly three--yoga classes, one meditation workshop, two after-school art classes and have yet to turn in two graduate applications.  not to mention i'm also co-running a household (with pets instead of children), studying/practicing yoga, recovering from an eating disorder, managing a crapload of anxiety, trying to stay healthy and keeping up my connection to the art world.  i feel more organized than ever, which is fabulous.

god, these entries are boring...i guess that's why i only have 3 followers.  maybe THAT will be my resolution...

RESOLVED: to find a more interesting gimmick for my blog.

wish me luck.

1 comment:

BigPoppa said...

I will follow you to the depths of the widest birth......but we've gotta be back for Cigar Night...I hear its coming up soon...